As repeatedly mentioned in earlier summaries and in blogs, understanding the has been particularly difficult. The went through several versions and ended up in a semi-satisfatory state: enough to be able to assist with the Architecture Room studies into Root Projections, Naming and Duality Reversal.
was became slightly easier to develop on becoming aware that change mentalities were inherent in political ideologies. However, many aspects remain uncertain at the time of posting.In attempting to provide a provisional-final account in the present posted investigation, I will be drawing on everything learned from the other Domains (excluding the undeveloped
) rather than working from first principles.
The 5 Domains were worked on more or less simultaneously, but with different starting points.
: Studies on the were partially completed prior to recognizing that the as developed by C. W. Churchman (as "Inquiring Systems") were connected.
. Studies on the were first completed with the aid of J. Algie. Then by analogizing with , the was developed.
: Studies commenced with the , then expanded to the and the . A was developed for both the and systems.
: Studies commenced with the as discovered by E. Jaques and formulated in terms of output by R.W. Rowbottom and D. Billis. The was subsequently developed using the stimulus of T.P. Waldron. The was studied much later.
: The and were developed together for "Working with Values (1995)", and then revised for the TOP website.
Further historical details in each case are provided in the relevant Satellite.
Remove Confusion
Why is penetrating «change» so difficult? The first difficulty lay in the naming of the elements, but that is settled now.
The next difficulty lay in focussing on its manifestation as a form of human functioning, which is the essence and rationale of THEE.
There is no confusion in the other Domains between psychosocial functioning and the operation of the inanimate physical-material world. Stones, air, water, flames lack change or alter their state without needing will. Water can become ice, stones can roll down a hill, air can become a tornado, flames die down. Our physical-biological body insofar as it is not under control of our will changes: we grow, we fall ill, we age, we die.
and do not or or or or or . However, they doSo change uniquely appears to exist both as a and as a purely physical phenomenon. Could there be a name which avoided this duality?
In any case, the task here is to investigate the former human entity and disentangle it from the latter physical phenomenon.
Causation & Will
The endless argument between free will and determinism emerges when we consider causation.
In the physical world, all change is caused (process). The cause (thing) is an event that produces an effect (the change). Relativity has revealed that the determination of time is difficult for observers in different inertial frames. However, cause always precedes effects and so causation, alone, can determine the existence and direction of time that can be shared regardless of the observers inertial frame of reference.
In metaphysics, it is generally held that everything has a cause for its existence. Process philosophy holds that process is never deterministic, and so free will is essential and inherent to the universe.

Causation in the psychosocial world is an intrinsic part of endeavour and involves the exertion of will to produce changes relevant to the purpose of the endeavour. But looking at the framework of endeavour (click on thumbnail) it is evident that the state of each Centre can be an event that changes the states of other Centres as flow, and it is not just the Centres that are involved.
The focus in this Satellite is to unpack the
. The understanding that results should enable a clearer grasp as to what is occurring in any situation where a personal function is used to affect either psycho-social reality or the impersonal socio-physical environment.- Check the scope of this inquiry.
Originally posted: 16-Jun-2024. Amended: 10-July-2024.